Tips For a Better Night Sleep | UWM Men's Shop | Salt Lake City, Utah


As you are well aware life is different these days. Due to the corona-virus pandemic we aren’t able to work the way we once did, we can’t shop or go to the gym like we did before. And if you are like me you certainly aren’t sleeping as well as you once did. Whether it’s because of difficulty turning your brain off to fall asleep, bizarre dreams, insomnia or just difficulty staying asleep, a good night sleep is hard to come by. Now there's even more to think about due to the protests over police brutality and racial injustice across the country.

Everyone knows that good sleep is crucial to your overall health. It helps keep your brain sharp, your metabolism firing and your immune system fighting off infection. To do this, you need to be clocking seven hours of quality sleep each night. Here's some tips we have found on how to make this happen.



Going to bed and getting up at the same time or close to the same time each day is vital to be able to train your body to sleep better. It is important to limit the variance of your sleep schedule during the week and on weekends to no more than an hour. Having consistency will help to reinforce your body's sleep-wake cycle, however, taking naps can interfere with the cycle, so try to avoid them if you are having trouble sleeping at night.



This one can definitely be difficult to accomplish due to the global pandemic and nationwide protests. Unfortunately having a mind that is constantly running and worried is the enemy of sleep. It is important to resolve immediate concerns before calling it quits for the night. One way to do this is by journaling, try writing down what's on your mind and any to-dos that are top of mind. Set them aside to deal with tomorrow. Another thing that will help is putting your phone away. Social media or news apps definitely aren’t going to do you any favors the hour before going to bed. You may also consider a quick 15-minute meditation to help quiet and calm your mind before laying down for the night.



If you're having trouble sleeping, try cutting out any caffeine after noon. Even if you think caffeine doesn’t affect you. There has been research shown that when caffeine is consumed later in the day, it can stimulate your nervous system and may stop your body from naturally relaxing at night. When it comes to food, follow the example of your grandparents try having a lighter dinner earlier in the evening. Eating too much food too late will force your body to work overtime, this will force your digestive system to be working when it should be resting.


Making time for regular physical activity will definitely help you to sleep better. Try to avoid being active close to bedtime. Being active gets your heart racing. It also raises your blood pressure and body temperature. Workout first thing in the morning or at lunchtime to ensure that at night you are able to get the sleep you desperately need. 



After all of this, if in the middle of you're tossing and turning, fight the tendency to stay in bed. Get up and do something relaxing like reading or journaling, something mindless. Stay up doing this until you're sleepy, then return to bed. The American Sleep Association says that doing this promotes healthier sleep and makes the bedroom a more welcomed sight as opposed to a frustrating torture chamber.

We hope that these tips might be able to help a little, it did for me. If you need to get some daytime steps in, stop by UWM Men’s Shop to see what's new and what you can add to your spring and summer wardrobes. 

We look forward to seeing you!!