How to Use Social Distancing to your Advantage | UWM Men's Shop | Salt Lake City, Utah


In these crazy and unprecedented times, we have an incredibly unique opportunity with social distancing: We have more space and more time to connect with others, pick up new hobbies and better ourselves. At UWM Men’s Shop we want to help. Here are a few ideas to get you started. 


  1. Exercise

It is incredibly important to get into a routine that includes exercise. This will be one of the hardest things to do. It is always going to be easy to say I’ll do it tomorrow. Adding exercise to your routine by scheduling it in will be helpful. Last week you probably were hitting the gym consistently however the brakes got slammed pretty hard on your previous routine when all of the gyms and classes closed everywhere. It's also possible that you haven't had much of a relationship with exercise for years. Regardless it will be easy to wake up from our current situation 15 pounds heavier than before it started. Being stuck at home all day and not exercising tends to do that to the human body.

I realize it isn’t ideal not having access to weights or machines like you prefer however, there are some fairly simple exercises you can do at home to get you by until you can get back to the gym. Commit to 50 pushups and 50 crunches each day, go outside for a run, a hike or even a brisk walk. Be creative with it and find things around the house to lift. There is also of course the internet which can provide you with thousands countless examples of at home workouts.


  1. Enjoy Time with Friends and Family

With all of the free time that most of us have right now this is a great opportunity to take advantage of time with family and friends. I realize with the social distancing this may seem challenging however with the advancements of modern technology it can still be done. With cell phones not only can you make a phone call but also most have the capability to do video calls which is almost as good as being there in person. Use this free time to connect or reconnect with friends and loved ones. With all that is going on in the world today you may not have the time to connect with loved ones in the future. 



  1. Upgrade Your Wardrobe by Cleaning Out Your Closet

It’s simple, when your wardrobe is packed full of all your clothes from high school, college as well as your newfound adult clothing. The reality is you're not wearing and will never wear the majority of these items, so why keep them? Do yourself a favor and do some spring cleaning. How much easier would it be to get dressed and feel confident knowing the only thing in your closet is pieces that you love to wear? Being stuck at home makes spring cleaning easier than ever. Take advantage of this great opportunity to start fresh.


  1. Journaling


You can use journaling in many different ways. You can track your habits like when you exercised, worked on a goal or even to track your daily mood. It can be a way to remember what you accomplished during your day. You can use a journal to brainstorm or reflect. It can be a place to document the answers to all of those philosophical questions you might have in your head. Or you can use it like I use a journal just to keep track of things, thoughts, feelings questions, or just notes and reminders so I don’t forget them.

It is fun to go back through and review whether weekly, monthly or yearly re-read your journal to get a view of where your life was, is and where you want to go in the future. Start small, but definitely give it a try, it's well worth it!

  1. Discover or Rediscover Reading

One thing that many people enjoy doing when they have free time is recreational reading. If you're anything like me, you may have burned out on books after school. It has taken me a while to get to the point of reading for enjoyment. There is a definite difference in reading what you want because you want to as opposed to because you have to for an assignment. 

If picking up a book and reading for fun doesn’t quite cut it, try an audiobook.  Audible is what helped me a ton. When you're stuck at home an audiobook is a great way to read while doing honey do’s around the house in the yard or when you are in the car. You can listen to anything from fiction to take your mind away, to self-help or informational to help yourself. My favorites are documentaries because I enjoy learning from other people and discovering how people became who they are. Whether you pick up and read a book or listen, reading is a great way to pass the time and enjoy.


These are just a few examples to get you started. Here is a few more examples you could look into:

  1. Diet Improvements

  2. Musical Instruments

  3. Meditation

  4. New Business or Side Gigs

  5. Creative Projects

  6. Online Classes to improve or add skills

At UWM, we wish you all the best in these difficult times. We are anxious to serve you and open our doors. When we are able to open again, we will be back with even more vigor for what we do!