Navy Blazer | UWM Men's Shop | SLC, Utah

If there is a singular garment that endures in function and meaning, it’s the navy sportcoat. Classic, modern, dressed up or down, its variations and iterations are always the right choice. It can be worn with flannels or jeans, wing tips or boat shoes.


While it’s true that the traditional navy jacket is the backbone of any serious wardrobe, the fact remains that formal or informal, off-the-rack or custom, a good navy jacket is always going to be a smart investment. The navy jacket of today is a more varied tool in your clothing arsenal. It’s actually a casually dressy garment, equivalent to a cardigan when paired with jeans and loafers.

A navy sportcoat can fill the gap when you need to look nice but not too formal; somewhere between a suit and a sweater. This versatility means that it can dress up jeans and a worn-out button down just as easily as it can dress down fresh khakis and a tie.


Styles can vary as much as material. Some jackets have iconic brass buttons, while others have horn or plastic buttons. While double vents are popular and provide a Continental flair, the single vented, natural shouldered model is classically American. Fabric weights can easily range from heavy flannel to lightweight linen.

As with all clothing, when shopping for a blue sportcoat approach it as a major investment and buy the best that you can. A well-made and fitted navy sportcoat should be a jacket you can turn to for years to come and something you are happy to reach for in the morning. A well-made jacket made from quality fabric will be as comfortable as your favorite sweatshirt.


Keep in mind you do not necessarily have to break the bank when it comes to finding one that’s right for you, unless you want to. If you can afford made-to-measure and the time and cost that accompanies it by all means, go for it. Find what works for you and feels right.

At UWM Men’s Shop we have a variety of options to fill your navy jacket needs. Stop by today to check them out.